A Complete Guide to Buying Cassocks

A Complete Guide to Buying Cassocks

The cassock/clergy robe is a simple piece of clothing that falls straight from the shoulders to the feet. The term translates to “ankle-length garment.” However, its connection with religion makes each of its features a critical aspect of the garment. While buying cassocks, it helps to know the symbolic significance of each feature to ensure that your choice reflects your beliefs.

When you are going to buy cass0ck, you consider things like color, sizes, fabric, stores or shops, embroidery, quality, cost, service, and why you should buy from them. Get excited because this guide is about to take your cassock-buying experience to the next level. But Let’s figure out what a cassock is before we start reading the buying guide.

What is Cassock? 

A cassock is like a special long coat worn by church leaders. You might also hear it called a soutane. It goes all the way down to their ankles, kind of like a super long bathrobe. Lots of different churches use them, like Orthodox churches and Catholics.

Some church leaders in Protestant churches like Anglicans and Lutherans wear them too. The word cassock just means “long, ankle-length clothes” in another language. People wear cassocks during church events to show they’re important church leaders and care about their faith.

1- The Significance Of  Cassock Color

Historically, a clergyman’s liturgical vestment decided the color of the cassock they must wear. For instance, black was exclusive to the priests in the Roman Catholic Church, while red was for bishops, and scarlet red was for cardinals.

Beyond that idea, each color also had its unique connection to Christ itself. They are each, essentially, a representation of man’s different emotions towards him.



A cassock is nearly always black in its most valid form, which particularly owes to the color’s association with somber, sorrow, and mourning. It indicates the death of desire, one’s individuality, and the promise to serve the one true power.

The color is a stark reminder to the priest of the responsibilities befallen upon his shoulders. It is a way of giving up the gold and glitter of worldly desires and choosing the path of submission. Thus, buying a black cassock helps you experience the unfiltered essence of spiritual awakening.



The color white for cassocks is upheld as much as black, if not more. While black is a reminder to remain humble, white gives hope. The color of innocence and purity, white, is the priest’s faith in the sacredness of divine love and the righteousness of the path chosen by him. 



If one was to pick a color so uniquely different from the blacks and whites, yet so relevant to the Christian tragedy, it should be red. Had it not been for Christ’s blood, humanity would have been suffering the curse of damnation. Thus, it was the savior’s sacrificial blood that saved humanity. By wearing red, the priests pay back their respects.

Red cassocks are thus an ode to the martyred saints, the fallen heroes, and any man who has shed blood in the name of Christ and the church.

2- Choosing the Right Cassock Style

Picking the right cassock is like picking out your favorite outfit for a special event at church! First, think about what kind of church service it’s for. Is it a fancy one or a more relaxed one? Different churches might have different styles they prefer. Some might want cassocks with buttons down the front, while others might like a simpler design.

Finally, some churches might have special cassocks in certain colors or with designs that have a meaning. If your church has traditions like this, it’s good to follow them when picking your cassock.

The most important thing is to pick a cassock that you feel good in and looks nice, following the traditions of your church too!

3- Practical Considerations When Buying Cassocks

Picking a cassock is like picking out a new jacket. Here are some things to consider to get the best one:

Pick the right fabric: You want something soft that feels good on your skin and won’t rip easily. That way you can focus on church stuff without worrying about your cassock breaking.

Size matters:  Don’t get a cassock that’s too small or too big. It should fit you just right so you can move around easily during church activities.

Long-lasting Toughness: You’ll be kneeling, standing, and walking around a lot in your cassock. So pick one made of strong materials that won’t fall apart easily.

By thinking about these things, you’ll pick a cassock that’s comfy, and strong and helps you focus on what matters – being part of your church community and growing your faith.

4- Additional Noticeable Features:



cassock black


The buttons are critical for an excellent cassock to achieve the original embracive look. Whether you’re going for a single-breasted or a double-breasted look depends upon your comfort. Regardless, you should be aware of the spiritual connotations associated with the number of buttons placed on the cassock.

● Among the Roman Catholic cassocks for priests, thirty-three buttons are the standard choice for their symbolic representation and wearability. It is believed that Christ lived his holy earthly life for approximately thirty-three years, and the exact number of buttons is thus an acknowledgment of his favors on man.

● The Anglican cassock, a single-breasted garment, is supposed to have thirty-nine buttons, representing the thirty-nine articles of the Church of England or, as many would prefer, the Forty Stripes Save One law.



The cassock is meant to flow down your figure, encompassing you in a cloth of humility. Thus, the manner of stitching and pleating for the silhouette is critical. The standard approach is a single pleat throughout the garment, making it a true epitome of simplicity. However, variations can be made on this idea to represent aspects of faith close to you.

● The St. Stephen’s house makes it necessary for their cassocks to feature five pleats on the back, which is an ode to the five wounds of Christ.

● For men and women, it is common to have a three-pleated cassock concerning the three persons of the Christian Godhead.

Eastern Christian Approach

The discussion above focused on the conventional idea of a cassock rooting from a tradition that is also common amongst the Western Christian community. Yet, over the years and periods of history, the cassock has taken many shapes and forms. One such example is commonly found in the Eastern community with the concept of inner and outer cassocks.

● The inner cassock of the Eastern Christians closely resembles the traditional design and is necessary to be worn by all clergymen regardless of their hieratic ranking. The garment is a double-breasted structure featuring high collars and a fitted torso followed by a flare in the bottom part.

● The outer cassock is essentially voluminous outerwear worn to particularly formal sacramental gatherings. A specific community of clergymen only wears it, which is dependable on the culture being talked about. For instance, within the Greeks, outerwear was prohibited to anyone below the vestment of a sticharion.

● The Eastern community also brings forth the idea of cassock vests and coats. They are permitted to only the vestments eligible for the outer cassock and informal outerwear take.

The Modern Dilemma

 In today’s day and age, cassocks are sadly considered remnants of the past. The modern clerical suit has emerged, making the younger lot of clergy believe it to be the epitome of spirituality. Thus, while buying a cassock, it is vital to know precisely why it is worth going back to the roots of our esteemed religion.

A cassock serves the true essence of simplicity. You get to be clad in a singular garment from head to toe, wasting no time on unnecessary accessories. The silhouette is loose-fitting and modest, almost like a veil protecting the many sins of a body.

The suits are meant to be left in the business world. A world far more humble, with faith and submission; virtues upheld by the priests. For the priests, clothing is meant to be an indication, a reminder, and an identity of the one true power they hold above all.